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"Capital isn't scarce;

vision is"

(Sam Walton)

"Capital isn't scarce;

vision is"

(Sam Walton)

"Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort"

(John Ruskin)

Who We Are

We were one of the first firms in Israel to manage investments for private clients and corporations. Our founders were senior investment managers in Bank Leumi's subsudiary company, coming together to establish "Bechora" (premiere in hebrew) in 1982. 

During the past four decades, we've gained vast experience in both capital and debt markets in Israel and overseas.

Our management consists of highly experienced investment managers.

We specialize in equities and bonds in Israel and equities overseas, mainly in the U.S.

We can provide you a tailor-made portfolio, in accordance with your personal risk profile and financial needs, investmet solely in Israel or a combined global portfolio. 

We believe in integrity and transparency of the highest standard.

We do not receive any benefits whatsoever from third parties, nor we posses any interest in the financial assets we purchase for our clients.

As such, we avoid any conflict of interests between us and our clients, and ensure all assets purchased are made on the basis of best for our clients.

Our clients' portfolios are managed through the banking system, allowing us the power to buy and sell financial assets in accordance with our strategy in a safe and efficient manner. The funds can be withdrawn at any given time, in a short notice. The client is able to see their account at all times through their banking account or through us.

Bechora is regulated by the Israeli Securities Authority and work strickly under all laws and regulations.

Our Integrity


Bechora Consulting & Investment Services Ltd.

16 Tiomkin St, 2nd Floor

Tel Aviv 6578317, Israel

Tel. 972-3-5287555


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